The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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District Elections. Council Expansion. Representing You.

Councilmember Larry Agran has set an agenda item for the July 26 Irvine City Council meeting agenda proposing a charter amendment for vote on the November 8, 2022 ballot. 

If the City Council approves this plan, Irvine voters would be able to decide whether the City should expand the City Council from five to seven members and adopt district elections. If residents vote to approve these proposals, they would take effect in 2024.

According to Councilmember Agran, district elections are important because, as a majority of Orange County cities recognize, they can improve local representation: 

“Different geographic areas should be properly represented on a Council …To this day, whole villages have never had a representative on the Council … North Irvine, West Irvine; these areas are clearly underrepresented at this time. We can make a big step toward better local representation by moving toward district elections.” -Councilmember Agran 

By-district elections would allow for representation from each of the distinct geographical areas of Irvine. After public input, area maps could look something like the following:

The district election agenda item will take place during the 4 PM regular meeting of the City Council. Email if you have questions about participating in this public discussion.