The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Remembering the Armenian Genocide: Councilmember Agran’s Newest Podcast Released

Councilmember Larry Agran stands with the Armenian community and commemorates the Armenian Genocide.

At the April 12 meeting, the Irvine City Council voted to proclaim tomorrow, April 24, “Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day” to commemorate the 1.5 million lives lost to the genocide from 1915-1923.  

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In his latest podcast episode, Councilmember Agran explains the importance of the proclamation and the effect public participation had on the City Council’s vote: 

“I want to…thank the many people who showed up and testified. [S]o many of them gave impassioned, informed, compelling testimony. It was an example of what good things we can do at the local level when we listen to the people, encourage them to speak up and speak out, and facilitate free speech.”

Listen to the podcast episode and read the proclamation the City Council approved.