The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Quick Reads | April 5, 2023

Many SoCal cities have organized "ciclovia" open street events, where roads are temporarily closed to motor vehicles and open to pedestrians, cyclists, and other people-powered transportation. This festive community gathering creates an enjoyable and safe environment to promote health and wellness. The Office of Councilmember Agran and the Office of Councilmember Kathleen Treseder have been researching Ciclovia and ways to bring this positive outdoor experience to Irvine later this year! Councilmember Agran is delighted to see CiclaIRVINE 2023 (Item 6.1) on Tuesday's City Council agenda. Please join the meeting for the discussion of this item and more on Tuesday, April 11!

Clean California Community Day

On Saturday, March 25, Councilmember Agran joined Caltrans Orange County District 12 for their Clean California Community Day at Mike Ward Community Park in Irvine. The event was a great way to educate and highlight the importance of coming together and keeping our community clean. Councilmember Agran especially thanks all who attended and those who participated in our booth!

Community Budget Meetings

This month, the City of Irvine held a series of community budget meetings to solicit feedback on the proposed FY 2023-25 budget. As the City of Irvine is responsible for allocating more than $200 million, which funds municipal infrastructure, services, and projects, we hope you will consider taking the time to provide your feedback on the City's budget priorities and the proposed two-year budget. 

If you were unable to attend a meeting,

Trees 101Irvine's Urban Forest Event

On Wednesday, March 29, the Office of Councilmember Agran hosted the first Trees 101Irvine's Urban Forest event at Irvine City Hall! Councilmember Agran is grateful to the many residents who attended and to Dennis and Aaron of the City's Public Works and Transportation Department. Dennis and Aaron did a fantastic job presenting digestible information about the City's urban forestry program. Together, we all learned why trees are critical infrastructure and how our City's urban forestry team maintains nearly 80,000 trees. Irvine is proud to have developed a sustainable urban forestry program and has been designated as "Tree City USA" for 32 consecutive years.

52nd Annual Irvine Police Department Awards Banquet

Councilmember Agran had the privilege of hearing from many outstanding officers at the 52nd Annual Irvine Police Department Awards Banquet. The evening celebrated the extraordinary men and women of the Irvine Police Department. Councilmember Agran always enjoys the annual event and opportunities to recognize members of our Public Safety Department. Councilmember Agran celebrates and applauds all the nominees for their commitment, service, and dedication to keeping the community safe.

Reflecting Ponds at the Great Park

Located at the Great Park’s south lawn soccer complex – near the Marine Way entrance, are two reflecting ponds and a viewing pier made of redwood. The reflecting ponds are storm water reuse pond systems completed in September 2013 and have won many awards! From the reflecting ponds, follow the walkable timeline to connect to the balloon, Palm Court Art Complex, and other Great Park features. On your next Great Park visit, stop by the ponds.


  • Project recognized by state water quality officials as a “Major breakthrough in cost effective storm water capture and reuse design.”

  • 2013 Project of the Year award - American Public Works Association (APWA) Southern California Chapter.

  • 2013 Top Storm Water Project - Storm Water Solutions Magazine.

  • 2014 Award of Excellence - American Council of Engineering Companies – Orange County Chapter (ACEC-OC).