The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Participating in City Council Meetings

Editing note: This post was updated to reflect changes to the Zoom meeting ID and passcode as of February 8, 2021. For the most up to date access instructions, please click here.

The City Council meets this Tuesday, February 9th at approximately 4 pm. Despite Councilmember Agran’s objections, Council Meetings are held in-person at City Hall. The meetings are closed to the public due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, but the public can view the event and participate in a number of ways.

If you do choose to participate — as is your right and a great public service! — Councilmember Agran insists the best way to ensure your message is received and considered by the Mayor, Council, and viewing public is to deliver your comments via the Zoom app or by simply phoning in your comments.

Though all eComments and emails are supplied to the Mayor and Councilmembers, there is no guarantee that they will read and consider them.

Viewing options

This text is current as of February 8, 2021. For the most up to date instructions, please click here.

  1. Online via Zoom - NEW

    • The Zoom app is ideal for viewing the meeting from all devices, especially small ones (e.g., phone) or if you would like to make a comment

    • To access the meeting via Internet, you must first log-in to your Zoom Account then enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted (NOTE: The meeting ID and passcode is subject to change. The most current information is available here.)

  2. Online via the City of Irvine’s Livestream service - click here to access

  3. On TV via Cox Communications Local Access Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99


This text is current as of February 8, 2021. For the most up to date instructions, please click here.

If you wish to make a comment during the meeting, you have the option of calling in over the phone or via Zoom. In both scenarios, you will have to “raise your hand” to be called upon to comment. Read on for a detailed description of how this works.

  • To access the meeting via Zoom, you must first log-in to your Zoom Account then enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted. (For the current meeting ID and passcode, consult the ICTV website.)

  • To access the meeting via phone, call 669-900-6833 or 346-248-7799 and, when prompted, enter the meeting ID and passcode. (For the current meeting ID and passcode, see above or consult the ICTV website.)

In practice, at the beginning of an agenda item, the Mayor will encourage the viewing public to “raise their hand” while the item is before the council so that the City Clerk knows to call upon them when it is time for public comment.

  • To “raise your hand” by phone enter *9

  • To “raise your hand” via Zoom, move the mouse across your screen on computers, or touch the screen with your finger on a phone or tablet to activate the toolbar; usually the raise hand button appears at the bottom of your screen and looks like this:

When public comment for an item begins, the City Clerk calls on the name associated with your Zoom account or, if you are calling in by phone, the last three digits of your phone number.

When called upon, the City Clerk will ask you to unmute yourself and you will be given three minutes to make your statement. When you speak the council and viewing public will only hear your voice, though if you have a photo associated with your Zoom account that may be visible too.

  • To unmute yourself by phone enter *6

  • To unmute yourself via Zoom, move the mouse across your screen on computers, or touch the screen with your finger on a phone or tablet to activate the toolbar; look for this icon, usually found in the bottom left corner:

When the City Clerk calls on someone to speak they will often name the subsequent speaker. Listen for your name and prepare to unmute yourself when you’re up.

Remember — comments must be on-topic!

The comment period for each agenda item is dedicated to that item exclusively. Comments on items that were already before the council or that will come before the council later in the meeting will not be permitted. Should you wish to raise a topic not on the agenda, you can do so at the end of the meeting once all agenda items have been addressed.

Getting technical support

  1. Always consult the ICTV page for the most up-to-date instructions for accessing and commenting at Council meetings.

  2. For technical assistance before and during the meeting, please call 949-724-6142.

  3. For any other questions and/or concerns, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 949-724-6205 during regular business hours.