The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Jamboree-Michelson Pedestrian Bridge Update

Earlier this month, Councilmember Agran requested a status update on the Jamboree-Michelson Pedestrian Bridge (CIP 321601) located on Jamboree Road, north of Michelson Drive. This is one of a number of bridges anticipated to be over Jamboree Road. Councilmember Agran noted that the Irvine Business Complex is so much more than a business complex — it's also a flourishing residential community. Therefore, the ability for residents who are doing business elsewhere along the Jamboree Corridor to cross over Jamboree Road is imperative. Councilmember Agran said:

“As a dense, mixed use neighborhood, bike and walking improvements such as the long-awaited Jamboree-Michelson Pedestrian Bridge are critical. I envision a thriving Irvine Business Complex with walkable neighborhoods and streets.”

Councilmember Agran placed this item on the agenda because an expedited construction process will help expand and improve bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. In excellent news, conceptual and final design processes for the Jamboree-Michelson Pedestrian Bridge have been completed. At the August 9th City Council meeting, residents learned that the 175-foot long bridge with a vertical clearance of 17’ 6’’ will be stainless steel construction with corian cladding.

Pedestrian Bridge Design Elements

Consistent with the City of Irvine’s values, the Jamboree-Michelson Pedestrian Bridge will feature stairs, but also faster, quieter, energy-efficient, cable-supported elevators on either side. The stairways also include a bike runnel on the Jamboree Road-side of the pedestrian bridge to facilitate the movement of bicycles up and down the stairs.

Moreover, the elevator towers are composed of reinforced concrete with glass curtain walls, surrounded with vertical black locust cladding, the same material used for the bridge deck.

The bridge deck consists of a 10-foot wide walking surface made of black locusts, a three-foot planter containing drought-tolerant, native landscaping. The materials incorporated into this project, make the pedestrian bridge virtually maintenance-free.

Lastly, translucent acrylic panels will be integrated into the corian cladding to create the changing-light effects shown below. The City of Irvine is currently working to secure the necessary property easements to deliver this innovative, forward-thinking pedestrian bridge with construction to be completed as early as August 2025!