The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Green Ribbon Environmental Committee Seeks to Fill Member-at-Large Positions

Do you have passion or expertise related to climate action? If so, you may be interested in applying to join Irvine’s Green Ribbon Environmental Committee.

The City of Irvine is accepting applications to fill two member-at-large vacancies and two student vacancies on the committee. Committee members will play a lead role in developing Irvine’s Climate Action Plan this year in addition to advising the City on a number of important environmental matters, including but not limited to: energy use; recycling and waste management; and water conservation.

To learn more about what the Green Ribbon Environmental Committee does, the time commitment involved, and to view the application form, visit:

And please, if you are connected to youth engaged in environmental advocacy or volunteerism in Irvine, share this opportunity with them!