The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Great Park residents lack of representation finally makes the agenda

Great Park residents’ concerns about their lack of representation in the continued development of the Great Park has finally made the Great Park Board’s agenda. 

Residents of the Great Park Neighborhoods have repeatedly complained that while they pay among the highest residential property taxes and special assessments in Irvine — helping to finance development and operations of the Great Park — they have had virtually no say in the selection, planning, design, development and operations of multi-million-dollar features and amenities at the Great Park. 

Councilmember Agran has made multiple attempts to agendize a discussion to address this representation gap. The first attempt was April 13, 2021. This initial request was seconded by Councilmember Tammy Kim, who retracted the second a day later. Councilmember Agran resubmitted the request a month later and received no response from his colleagues. 

Then, on July 12, 2021, Mayor Farrah Khan and Councilmember Kim circulated a memo that will bring the matter to the next Great Park Board Meeting.

The next Great Park Board Meeting will feature two items Councilmember Agran has previously attempted to agendize:

The Great Peak Board Meeting is Tuesday, July 27 at 2pm. Residents can attend in-person or watch from the comfort of their home. To make a live comment, attend in-person at City Hall or familiarize yourself with the phone- and web-based commenting options outlined here.

Agran Memo

Khan/Kim Memo