The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Foundation for strong Climate Action Plan put in place

Last week, the City of Irvine took important steps toward delivering on an ambitious Climate Action Plan.

The City Council awarded a professional services contract in the amount of $447,145 to Ascent Environmental, Inc. to develop the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for the City of Irvine. This is a substantial investment meant to support the research and development of an ambitious, feasible response to climate change now and into the future.

As part of that, the City Council also directed staff to prepare a resolution to set climate goals for the City of Irvine. This resolution will form the backbone of the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan that Ascent Environmental, Inc. prepares for the City. 

For more on Irvine’s Climate Action efforts, follow the work of the Green Ribbon Environmental Committee. For details on past and future meetings of the Committee, click here.