The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Councilmember Agran Proposes Investment in Irvine’s Urban Forest

On April 22, we celebrate Earth Day, a day to highlight the importance of our planet and the conservation of its ecosystems. This year's theme is “Invest in Our Planet.” Councilmember Agran proposes investing in Irvine and the City’s urban forestry program through a request for the development of a comprehensive, citywide Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP). 

An Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP) is a comprehensive and strategic document that outlines how a city and community will manage its trees, green spaces, and natural resources in urban areas.

On Monday, Councilmember Agran submitted a memo requesting that the City Council direct City staff to return with recommendations for developing a comprehensive Urban Forest Management Plan that offers a framework for future strategies, actions, and measurable outcomes. 

Urban forests come in many different shapes and sizes. Irvine’s existing tree canopy covers 66 square miles and consists of approximately 550,000 trees (public and private). Councilmember Agran’s proposal includes an ambitious target of planting 500,000 trees, nearly doubling the existing tree canopy.

Investment in Irvine's urban forest, a system of critical infrastructure, will bring many benefits, from reducing our carbon footprint, to decreasing energy costs and reducing stormwater runoff. Additionally, this investment will increase biodiversity, address the urban heat island effect, improve air quality, and increase property values. Trees also help to enhance and beautify walkable streets and vibrant pedestrian spaces.