The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Agran appoints Greta Jacobs to Senior Citizens Council

Councilmember Larry Agran is pleased to welcome Greta Jacobs to the Senior Citizens Council. 

Greta has been a fixture in Irvine, working for decades to enhance senior living and available resources throughout our community. She will continue this work as a member of the Senior Citizens Council, where she and her fellow council members will advise the City Council regarding the operations of the City’s three senior centers and on policies to improve the quality of life for all Irvine seniors.

Thank you, Greta, for your continued dedication to the inclusion and service of our seniors. 

The next meeting of the Senior Citizens Council is February 18. To keep up with the Council’s activities, click here.

About Greta Jacobs

Born and educated in Austria, Greta Jacobs is active in the Facility and Leadership committees of the Senior Citizens Council, the Irvine Multicultural Association, Friends of Outreach and the Council on Aging's housing and transportation efforts. She worked in retail sales for 20 years.

Greta and her husband, Al Jacobs, came to Los Angeles in 1958 and moved to Irvine in 1992. They have two adult children and three grandchildren. Greta's husband passed away in 2015.