The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Agran appoints Dr. Kev Abazajian to Green Ribbon Environmental Committee

Councilmember Larry Agran is pleased to appoint Dr. Kev Abazajian to the City of Irvine’s Green Ribbon Environmental Committee. Dr. Abazajian is a professor of Astrophysics at UCI with a deep commitment to environmental defence and good government.

This Green Ribbon Committee advises the City Council on matters of climate protection, energy, recycling, waste management, sustainability, transportation, and water conservation, as well as the City’s environmental and energy goals.

Kev’s experience as an educator, scholar, and community organizer will make him an exceptional resource to the committee as the City of Irvine moves forward developing its long-anticipated Climate Action Plan. Welcome, Kev!

The Green Ribbon Environmental Committee meets for the first time this year on Monday, February 8 at 4:30pm. To review the agenda and submit comments, click here.

About Dr. Abazajian

Dr. Kev Abazajian is an astrophysicist who received his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of California, San Diego in 2001. He joined the faculty at UC Irvine in 2011. Dr. Abazajian had prior research fellow appointments at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory, and a faculty appointment at the University of Maryland, College Park. His astrophysics research primarily focuses on the nature of dark matter at the interface between particle physics and astrophysics. He also does research on the sources and uses of energy in society — striving to implement policies promoting carbon-free energy. Dr. Abazajian grew up as an immigrant in Texas from the former Soviet Union, and is an active member of the Armenian-American community in Irvine and Orange County.