The Office of Irvine Mayor Larry Agran

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Agran appoints Dr. Elaine King to Irvine Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee

Councilmember Larry Agran is pleased to welcome Dr. Elaine King to the Irvine Children, Youth and Family Advisory Committee. The Committee's mission is to provide ongoing review and evaluation of the City's children, youth, and family-related initiatives. The Irvine Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee meets quarterly to review and evaluate the City of Irvine's Strategic Plan for Children, Youth and Families. Their meetings are held at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays. For more information about the committee, including meeting agendas, minutes, and more, click here.

Dr. King will be an especially valuable resource to the committee in its efforts to ensure that Irvine continues to be a safe community where children, youth and families thrive emotionally, physically, academically, and socially.